Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Here in the United States, we often talk about provision in November, with Thanksgiving Day almost upon us and the year nearing its close. We like to recount the awesome things God has done-giving thanks for His kindness, patience, and generosity. Yet, even as we remember the ways He has taken care of us, it seems there’s always something more we’re waiting on God to provide. Truly, no matter what we lack, we have every reason to give thanks at all times. Thankfulness is an essential ingredient for joy. Joy is an inner sense of contentment, which flows from a deep assurance that all God’s purposes are good and He’s in complete control of every situation. With that kind of supernatural joy, it’s easy to be thankful. Expressing thanksgiving to the Lord is a way of honoring Him by acknowledging all that He has done. I am heading north to spend a wonderful day with my husband’s family. It will be a day filled with good food, good people and good fun. What more do I need to be thankful to God but for this day. It seems this time of the year that everyone gets caught up in the commercialism of the holiday season, but they forget to thank God for all of the wonderful things He has given to us. Many people do not have enough to eat, or even a place to live. If you are reading this post, you have the resources to do so. You should thank God for the bountiful life that you have been given, and maybe to pray for those who are not so fortunate. Let us pray to God that, through His goodness, all of his children may one day be able to thank Him for the type of fruitful life that He has blessed us all with. Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone.


Steve said...
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Steve said...

Hey there! Very nice blogs and pics! Would love to be a pen-pal with you!
Let's keep in touch! You can email me! Thx, Steve (