Thanksgiving should last much longer than just one day. It needs to be a way of life for the children of God. So as you gather with family and friends this holiday be sure to express your gratitude to the One who has given you all that you have. Keep God in the center of your celebration, and may God continue to bless you as you seek and serve Him wholeheartedly.

A thankful heart begins with understanding what it cost God to forgive my sins and have a relationship with me. All our lives we have problems and things don’t always go the way we want them. But if we believe in God’s ability to help and guide us, there is nothing we cannot overcome.

We should always be thankful for what we have and not worry about the little things that may not be perfect. We wake each morning to another day of life. We are given a new day to make things better, not just for ourselves but for everyone around us. We have food, homes, and people around us to share this great bounty we have been given. No matter how bad you feel things might be, just remember there are probably many people who have it much worse. We should be thankful our life is not real bad, and should give prayer that the lives of others will be as good, all over the world.
So on this day of thanks, let us all be grateful for what we have, wish better for those who have not, and may we all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.